Guaranteed Income as Economic Justice
Sept. 29, 2022 | Public Roundtable | Panelists: Halah Ahmad (Vice President for PR and Policy Communications, Jain Family Institute), Mark Levinson (former Chief Economist, Service Employees International Union), Premilla Nadasen (History Department, Barnard College), and Melody Webb (Executive Director and Founder Mother’s Outreach Network/DC Guaranteed Income Coalition), Moderator: Marcia Chatelain (Department of History, Georgetown University) >>https://vimeo.com/783052958 Joint Event by GHI Washington, the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor (Georgetown University) & the Blum Center on Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy (University of California, Santa Barbara). The event is endorsed by the American Historical Association (AHA). In recent years proposals for a guaranteed income have gained considerable traction in the United States, whether in the form of expanded child Read More …